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The Origin of SIGMA

            Deep in the prehistoric jungles of Africa, from whence all life originated, there lived a great white lion. The lion traveled the jungle for years searching for the part of the world that seemed to be missing. One day as he traveled in the region of Kush, he came upon a lagoon with a camel drinking deeply from its center. The bond between the two was immediate and they realized that they must make this peregrination together.  However before they could depart, a large gray wolf entered the clearing. He explained that all his life he had waited patiently in this part of the jungle, for it had been foretold to him by a beautiful white dove, that the journey to discover a brotherhood above all others would begin at this fountain. The lion and the camel realized the strength and cunning of the wolf would help tremendously in the journey ahead. The bond the three of them shared was the talk of the jungle. Every move they made was watched with the utmost interest. The Lion, Camel, and Wolf decided that it was time to leave the lush jungle they had grown accustomed to, and search for the light. They reached the edge of the jungle at nightfall. Fire and brimstone rained down from the royal blue sky as the pure white crescent moon shone brightly in the eastern sky. Without a sound the three travelers stepped onto the sands. The sands were burning hot yet they knew that this was the only way so they persevered and marched onward. The trials they underwent crossing the burning sands were numerous and perilous; however in the end they found what they were searching for. They emerged from the sands weary and as they looked back across the sands they realized that they could now see the jungle much clearer than they had been able to see their destination when they stood on the other side. As they watched the jungle seemed alive and from it emerged nine of the strongest the jungle had to offer. The three knew that together they must help them cross. As they guided the others across the sands they taught them knowledge of their own personal journey. After they reached their destination they celebrated with African dances, painted faces, and song. The first initiates were presented with blue and white canes as was custom when a man came of age. And from this day forth the world has known the brotherhood of the Lion, the Camel, and the Wolf by many names. The Brothers of Kush, Sons of Fire and Brimstone, The Universal Brotherhood of the Four Winds. The brothers lived and reveled in their new found brotherhood. They would look across the sands and help other crescent brothers find their way. However six years after the initial journey as the brothers gazed across the sands, they saw a sight to behold. 5 beautiful women in all white, each with a bright pearl clasped tightly in their hands, stared back at them. Two of the brothers went back across the sands to speak to them however they came back alone. They will be our sisters they announced to the Koinonia; however they let it be known that they will find their way on their own. We will love and cherish them above all others as our bond is like no other. They waited with great anticipation and their patience was rewarded. The five women joined them to create a true family. To this day the three brothers and the five sisters look over the sands to help bring Crescent Brothers and Archonians into the only true family.

Written by Bro. Brian Bell


The mind changer
The problem solver
The motivator
The line reducer
The fear inducer
The unity builder
The butt warmer
Make like AT&T-- reach out and stroke someone!!
Single, double, triple, home run!!
That which doesn't kill me
will make it hard to sit down for a few weeks....
Misunderstood by many
Hated by more
but respected by all who have had to
jump in the cut
to save a line brother or sister
from getting stroked....

What Would The Founders Think?
What would our founders of all Greek Organizations think if they saw us today?
Would they be proud or would they shake their head in dismay?
Would they see the principles they believed in our daily walk Or would they be disappointed in the trash we talk?
Would they look from above with a smile on their face Or would they be looking down in shame and disgrace?
Would they see that sisterhood & brotherhood was still within us Or would they see backstabbing, fighting, and all kinds of fuss?
Would they see us willingly accepting all correction Or would they see us always mounting an objection?
Would they see us loving our Greek lettered sisters and brothers, Saying no matter what color they wear we must stand for each other!
Would they see that service was still number one Or would they see it was replaced by the need to have fun?
Would they see you stepping with pride on Friday night And then up early on
Saturday to help the homeless plight Or would Saturday morning meet you snuggled in bed, While the need is ignored and our community unfed?
Would they see that scholarship was still our priority Or are we more concerned with pledging the cool sorority or fraternity?
Would they look at you pledge and be filled with memories Or would they gasp in horror as you twist their history?
Would they see us graduating at the top of our class Or are we barely scraping by with just enough to pass?
So I ask you, my generation, what will our legacy be.
Will we be the ones to bring our organization to its knees?
Will we sit idly by and watch our legacy ripped from our hearts Or will we stand up and say that its time we do our parts?
Will I see you on the front row at our next business meeting?
Are you financial, active, and ready to have delegate seating?
Imagine what could happen if collegiates took their rightful place?
Would the founders then look down on us with a smile on their face?
Imagine if we remember our founding principles and the oath we said And keep it ever close to us in our hearts and in our heads!
I think that then the founders would look down, their hearts about to bust As they said to each other,"Hey, don't they remind you of Us?"
So the next time you put on your letters, before you move or blink, With every action, look up, and wonder...
"WHAT WOULD THE FOUNDERS THINK?" Bro. Juan Woods Gamma Iota, Wayne State Detroit, MI
Xi Beta Sigma, Detroit

My Brother Ask Yourself…

When you say the word GOMAB
Do you remember what comes next?
Or do you simply walk away as if
That grip had no affect.

Or do you embrace your brother
Before pursuing the mission ahead
Knowing the fact you can't go back
On those five words our founders said.

When you hear the word GOMAB
Are you truly ready for that task?
Are you bruh enough to come from behind
That “SIGMA NIGGA” mask…@ last,

In time to see Men of Sigma
Never hesitate to put in work,
Either we're sponsoring ‘Million Man Marches”
Or tutoring kids at the neighborhood church.

Even if we're sweating hard to clean that
Car that's full of dirt,
PBS is in our hearts
Not just 3 letters on our shirt!!!

Open up that “Culture for Service” in you,
For you pledged it'd be your job,
So get out of the cut and off your butt
And don't ever 4 get 2 GOMAB!!!